Get access now via Google Classrooms

We recently discovered the practical uses and ease of google classrooms, henceforth gymnasts will be able to find all information for members on the site linked below.

Our gymnast's classroom includes:​

  • Everything Alpha

  • Conditioning Structure

  • Home Conditioning Documents

  • Live updates for online sessions

  • Trampoline Theory 

  • Psychology Skills

  • Under 8's Section

  • Just for fun

In order to set up your gymnast's classroom account, please follow the steps below:

  1.  Set up a Gmail account as the following

  2.  Go to and sign in to your new gymnast Gmail account

  3. Click on the + sign and 'join class'

  4. You will now need to enter the class code which you can obtain by emailing the club

  5. Once you have been accepted into the classroom, you will have access to all that is shown above

If you need any help setting it up please contact us at and we will help sort the issue